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Research Articles
Google image search, noncommercial resuable license.
Invasion of America, an eHistory project. Project director: Claudio Saunt, Russell Professor of History at the University of Georgia.
Linda, Alchin. “History of Native Americans”. Available from Accessed 06 December 2015.
Navajo People,
Visit Cherokee NC,
Weiser-Alexander, Kathy. “Legends of America”. Available from Accessed 06 December 2015.
Wikimedia Commons, noncommerical reusable license or public domain.
Raw by Density Design Lab. Giorgio Caviglia, Michele Mauri, Giorgio Uboldi, Matteo Azzi. Turns raw data into various visual graphs online.
Sketchfab, an online platform to publish 3D content.
Timeline JS3, a project of The Northwestern University Knight Lab. Turns data sets input into a Google Sheets document into an interactive, embeddable timeline.
TinkerCAD, part of the Autodesk 123D family of apps. Builds 3D models using an online interface; also supports file upload.
Voyant Tools, a project of Stéfan Sinclair, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at McGill University, and of Geoffrey Rockwell, Professor of Philosophy and Humanities Computing at the University of Alberta. Turns verbal data into various visual graphs online.
Wix, a free website builder.
Sway, a free app developed by Microsoft. It enables users to create and share presentations, personal stories, newsletters, projects, and more.
USMapGenerator, a free online generator to create custom interactive United States maps that can be embedded into a website or blog.