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My scholarly research engages with digital rhetoric, user experience, data analytics, and inclusive design to understand audiences and develop content to not only meet their needs, but also to persuade them and enhance their knowledge. By drawing from existing research frameworks in communication and media fields, and closely inspecting the role of human and non-human elements, I critically analyze situations and participants capable of bringing a change.

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  • Itchuaqiyaq, C. U.,Ranade, N.& Walton, R. (In-press, Aug. 2021). Theory to query: Developing a corpus-analysis method using computer programming and human analysis. Technical Communication.

  • Ranade, N.& Cata, A. (In-press, May 2021). Intelligent algorithms: Evaluating the design of chatbots and search. Technical Communication.

  • Tham, J., Hocutt, D., Burnham, K.,Ranade, N., Misak, J., Duin, A.H., & Pedersen, I. (In-press, Mar. 2021). Metaphors, mental models, and multiplicity: Understanding student perception of digital literacy. Computers and Composition.

  • Stone, M. M.,Ranade, N., Hannah, M. (2020). DIY feminist pedagogies: Making feminist practices more apparent in technical rhetorics. MAI:Feminism & Visual Culture: Special Issue on Feminist Pedagogies. 5.

  • Ranade, N. (2020) Visual rhetorical analysis and review of virtual Martin Luther King, Jr. project, Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. 24(2).

  • Ranade, N.& Swarts. J. (2019) The humanist in information centric workplaces. Communication Design Quarterly. 7(4). 17-31.

  • My scholarly research has been presented at several conferences such as ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication (SIGDOC), Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Association for Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW), STC, Computers and Writing, Association of Business Communication (ABC), Feminisms & Rhetorics Conference, Symposium on Communicating Complex Information (SCCI).

  • I have been invited for a talk for the Ladies that UX group.

  • I have hosted and been guest at various podcast sessions.

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